Join the ZENTANGLE fun! What is it you ask? Zentangle is an easy to learn method of creating beautiful images from repetitive patterns. It is a fascinating new art form that is fun and relaxing. It increases focus and creativity. Zentangle provides artistic satisfaction and an increased sense of personal well being. At first glance, a Zentangle can seem intricate and complicated. But, when you see how it is done, you realize how simple it is, and how engrossing it can be.
Here are some examples of Zentangles:
You can find all the following Artist at the Zentagles Gallery
By Rick Roberts
By Maria Thomas
By Molly T
We have several of the Zentagle books and some fantastic Pens to get you started!
We carry the entire line of Zentangle Titles from Design Originals. Zentangle Basics, Zentangle 3, Zentangle 3 and Zentangle 4 are all $8.99. Alpha Tangle is $9.99. Time to Tangle with Color, Totally Tangled and Yoga for your Brain are all $16.99. We love the LePen to use while Zentangling and it comes in great colors, they run $2 a piece. If you mention you are tangling, then buy 3, get one FREE! YAY!
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