The poor neglected Dingbat. There are hundreds of Dingbats out on the internet just waiting to be downloaded. You can download so many different images for free, make them any size and print them in a variety of colors! You can use them like digital stamps and color them with Copics, or your favorite markers, print them on many different colors of paper and them paper piece them together, make Shrinky Dink embellishments, or use them all over a page to create pattern paper. Just to show you how fun they can be . . .
Here's a couple of samples!
Print your image on many colors of paper
Decide what color you want each piece to be and then cut it out,
and glue it together with "The Best Glue Ever"
This calls for Stickles!
OOPS! I spilled too much glue on the ribbon, but before I throw it away...
REMEMBER - There are no mistakes only Embellishment Opportunities!

We'll just cover that up with some Stickles!
I used the font: Trashed for the background, and the Dingbat: Easter Hoppy. I also used my favorite Stickles and some new embellishments we received from Dress It Up.
If cutting is not your thing, use the images as digital stamps and color them in with your Copics.
Here's another fun card made with a Dingbat I love called Vintage Video Games.
Regular Stickles are $2.25 at Scrap Shack and we carry every color Ranger produces. We color a limited number of Distress and Glitz Stickles too, they are $2.50. Dress It Up buttons from Jessie James come in a wide variety of styles, colors and images. They are $2.50 to $3.00 a pack at the Scrap Shack.